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Children's Mental Health Services

Children’s Mental Health Services in Westchester County are among the finest in the nation, with a wide array of innovative practices and evidence-based treatments. We believe that helping children grow and thrive is everyone’s responsibility, and that families should always be in the driver’s seat. That is why we have partnered closely with families and family-run organizations to develop and sustain a “system of care” which not only gives children access to a variety of services, but also ensures that these services are coordinated and individualized to meet a child and family’s needs.

According to the guiding principles of Westchester’s System of Care, services should be:

  • Driven by the family
  • Based in the community
  • Supported by a team
  • Determined to never give up
  • Organized around a child’s and family’s strengths
  • Individualized
  • Sensitive and responsive to culture and race
  • Trauma-Informed

Wraparound Meetings
One of the most effective ways these principles are put into action is through what we call Wraparound Meetings. Caregivers work with a trusted provider to bring to the table a variety of people helping their child. These are people chosen by the family, and may include a relative or friend, pediatrician, school guidance counselor, therapist, clergy member, social services caseworker, or juvenile justice officer. Everyone within this circle of support works together to develop a plan that builds on the child’s strengths and addresses families’ concerns.

There are typically follow-up meetings to check up on the plan and revise it if necessary. Anyone can request a Wraparound Meeting, and there is no charge. If you think your family might benefit from this approach, or would like to learn more about Wraparound Meetings, please call Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health (914) 995-4666 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Specialized Services
Some children need more intensive services than can be provided by a Wraparound Meeting or outpatient therapy alone. Such children may be at risk for residential placement, or may have had multiple hospitalizations and involvement with multiple systems.

The Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health (DCMH) connects to a range of specialized services, most of which are home-based, to help children thrive in the community and to provide relief for families. Such services include Care Management, Children and Family Treatment and Support Services (CFTSS), Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), mobile clinical treatment, advocacy, recreational and respite activities, evidence-based treatment approaches, and care coordination for children who have serious emotional, social and behavioral challenges. These services can be accessed through DCMH’s Children’s Single Point of Access. For more information, please contact our Children’s SPOA Coordinator at (914) 995-5352 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..