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Case Management Programs

Case management involves the coordination of services and supports on behalf of an individual. This typically includes creating a case file and following a process to ensure delivery of services. A case is handled by a case manager or case team.

Intensive Case Management (ICM)
The ICM program is for seriously and persistently mentally ill and seriously emotionally disturbed consumers. The program is designed to increase the length of time spent in the community by reducing hospitalization through intensive interaction with the participants. Case workers assist consumers in developing and maintaining viable living, working and social situations in the community. The program is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Case workers have an average caseload of 12 clients.

The Supportive Case Management (SCM)
The SCM program is a variant of the Intensive Case Management program and provides services to individuals who require less support than ICM consumers. SCM is designed to coordinate services and supports for people with mental illness to enable them to live successfully in the community. SCM services are based on the rehabilitation-oriented case management approach. Services are provided by professionals who assist consumers in developing and maintaining viable living, working and social situations in the community. Crisis intervention services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Managers carry an average caseload of either 20 clients or 30 clients.

Blended Case Management
The "Blended" Case Management program is for seriously and persistently mentally ill individuals, intended to increase time spent in the community by avoiding unnecessary hospitalization. Case management is provided by professionals who assist program participants in developing and maintaining viable living, working and social situations in the community. The state participation rate is 100 percent.

The "Blended" approach facilitates a team approach to case management services by combining the caseloads of multiple Intensive Case Management and Supportive Case Managers.

Adult Home Case Management
Case managers are expected to work in tandem with peer specialists as part of an integrated approach to addressing the needs of individuals residing in adult homes. This program is modeled after the Supportive Case Management program.